Women Changing the World Awards 2024 LondonBronze Winner "People's Choice - Business"

The Women Changing the World Awards presented by Oprah Winfrey’s all-time favourite guest, Dr. Tererai Trent, celebrate and recognize women achieving outstanding success in areas such as sustainability, humanitarian work, leadership, advocacy, tech, product development, education, health and innovation. The awards are designed to recognize the growing number of women who are leading the way in making the world a better place for us all and inspire other women to answer the call to take action.

Dr. Trent explains, “These exceptional women are here to awaken hearts, give permission to recapture dreams and inspire the women of the world to come together to forge a brighter path for all. The rising of women is the awakening of everybody.”

The winners of the 2024 Women Changing the World Awards were announced at the Women Changing the World Global Summit and Awards in London, United Kingdom on 25 May 2024.

Download the press release here: Bronze Winner Press Release

For more information on the awards, click here: Winners Women Changing the World Awards 2024

Anja Karina Mundinger

Hello, I am Anja. Nice to meet you!

My motto is „Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.“ by Oscar Wilde.
So individuality is very important to me, especially in the coaching process. I want my coachees to be successful in their endeavours.

I have 20+ years of experience in leadership, intercultural collaboration, speak several languages, have lived, e.g. in China & am constantly educating myself in all possible directions.

Diversity is not a theoretical model for me, as I grew up in the multicultural triangle of France, Switzerland and Germany. Therefore, it is normal for me that many different points of view are always good to get the best result. This joy in diversity has always been the driving force for me to get to know new cultures, people and countries. In my job, it was and is always essential for me to get diverse input on topics, especially when it comes to intercultural issues. This is another reason why it was always clear to me that I wanted to work in an international environment and, of course, abroad. Previous assignments have been in Helsinki and Beijing, as well as in various places in Germany.

This approach and mindset have resulted in a broad intercultural experience in handling typical management situations, e.g., communication, motivation, and conflict resolution, across cultures. To continue my internationality as a coach, I have been certified by the ICF International Coaching Federation since the beginning, as this body has the highest international standards in coaching. Through this certification and the required qualitative further training, I fulfil the highest ethical standards in the field of coaching.

PCC (Professional Certified Coach) International Coaching Federation

Systemische Coach (dvct) & Systemische Team Coach

Logo dvct


Work Experience:

Further Education (Selection):

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