Coaching Club Podcast

Welcome to the Coaching Club! ⭐️ Dieser Podcast deckt das breite Spektrum an Themen ab, die alle im Zusammenhang mit meiner Tätigkeit als Coach & Entrepreneurin auftauchen: Leadership Themen, Learnings zu Entrepreneurship, sowie gesellschaftliche Trends. Viel Spaß beim Anhören der interessanten Gäste und meiner Monologe.

Viel Spaß!

Alle Folgen findest du hier:

#040 🎙 Create your culture – or it just happens to you. Interview with Borut Jeglič of Thriverse.

Borut Jeglič is Partner & Chief Impact Creator at Thriverse and a very experienced culture builder. He has founded several Start-ups and is now coaching teams to realise their full potential.
In this episode, we will talk about
  • How he became a Chief Impact Creator.
  • What kind of impact he is creating with his team.
  • The crucial role of the company culture, even for Start-ups.
  • The point where it’s useful for a Start-up CEO to think about an intentional company culture.
  • How to approach this holistic process.
  • The pitfalls of unintentional culture creation vs. an intentional approach.
  • Why it is so important to be a good person.
  • And finally: His motto „This too shall pass.“.
To learn more about Thriverse’s approach of creating a thriving culture in your team, click here.
You can find Borut’s LinkedIn here.
Have fun!⭐️

#039 🎙Learnings from my journey – from C-Suite to Business Owner. Interview with Julia Darlington
With 30+ years experience working in the fast paced and highly competitive world of fashion, from graduate trainee to Chief Brand Officer, Julia Darlington has experienced and managed many challenges. Speed of operation and high levels of complexity has been a major part of her professional journey, in various organisations across different continents.
Following her passion and innate purpose to empower as many people as she can to realise their true potential, in 2016 she launched Julia Darlington Coaching & Consulting. She works with a broad range of clients, from SME’s to large corporations across the retail and creative industries.
So, dive in with us to listen to this holistic conversation that covers daily business best practices, strategy creation as well as people and personal development.
With 30+ years experience working in the fast paced and highly competitive world of fashion, from graduate trainee to Chief Brand Officer, Julia Darlington has experienced and managed many challenges. Speed of operation and high levels of complexity has been a major part of her professional journey, in various organisations across different continents.
Following her passion and innate purpose to empower as many people as she can to realise their true potential, in 2016 she launched Julia Darlington Coaching & Consulting. She works with a broad range of clients, from SME’s to large corporations across the retail and creative industries.
So, dive in with us to listen to this holistic conversation that covers daily business best practices, strategy creation as well as people and personal development.

  • What was Julia’s skill set that paved her way to the top?
  • What were her key learnings about how to handle complex situations?
  • Which strategies does she employ when it comes to complexity?
  • Why overwhelm is the biggest block for business founders at the beginning of their entrepreneurial journeys.
  • What we both believe is that to achieve Business success you must develop a Mindset For Success.
  • Why employing a coach can be the key success factor for developing yourself as a leader and your company.
  • Leadership Identity-important steps on how to develop your leadership style and identity when moving up the ladder.
  • Can a lack of soft skills kill your career within an organisation?
  • How important is it to have a Vision, Mission and clear Purpose?

As a bonus, Julia shares with you a sneak peak into her programme, „The 7 Steps To Create Your Successful Business.“

👉🏻 Visit Julia’s LinkedIn Profile here

#038🎙 How to become unforgettable? Interview with Award-Winning Visibility Coach & Motivational speaker Gaëlle Beruel, founder of A Rockstar Mindset® + special gift🎁

We all want to be remembered, recognised and leave a legacy. The first step is here, to become unforgettable. Gaëlle had her lightbulb moment, when she had achieved everything, and every box on her „mental success list“ was ticked: Family, job, holidays. Sitting in the Eurostar on the back home from the holidays, she recognised that something was missing. She asked herself what was next for her. Today, she supports women to be seen, to be heard, to be recognised.
We dive into

  • The importance of neuroscience in becoming visible,
  • Gaëlle’s personal start into the journey to visibility, which was by pinterest,
  • How she defined her purpose and how her business idea evolved by connecting the dots,
  • Why the key point is to to give yourself the permission to think & to get creative,
  • The main reason why women make themselves invisible,
  • The necessity of personal role models.

To make you unforgettable, she shares three steps that you can implement immediately. So think creative, leave your comfort zone & become unforgettable.
As a special gift for you from Gaëlle: 22 Ways To Create Your Visibility Opportunities – 👉🏻Download here
Have fun.⭐️

#037🎙Sales for your success – why marketing is overrated and sales underrated. Interview with Meg Roundell Greene

Two women with one message: do more sales! As somebody with 20 years of experience in digital, marketing and advertising, Meg is the perfect guest. She offers business coaching specialising in sales and so supports women in mastering the art of it. She shares her philosophy of how to sell better and even how she sells her services successfully:

  • Is sales really only failure, rejection and bad mood? Spoiler alert: no! It is an underrated, insight generating tool for you.
  • Why it’s easier to handle a marketing strategy than a sales strategy – and why we don’t learn from marketing mistakes. Hint: Blaming something else or an algorithm for the failure is always easier than honest self-reflection.
  • The important process of detachement from your product or service: When you are not focussed on yourself, you can focus on the client’s needs and sell well.
  • How does a successful strategical sales strategy look like?
  • What social seling really means vs. what is sold to you by successful consultants: Social selling is completely different to the lead farming and harvesting happening on business platforms.
  • The tricky topic of price positioning: Why the money mindset will not work if the rest is not delivering.
  • Creating trust by being consistent in every situation & with every touch point in your marketing.
  • Three boosters that you can implement immediately to start a great sales strategy: Connect like in the cave, forget about yourself & being honestly curious.

Have fun!⭐️ 

#036🎙How to create a great working environment for you – at home: Interview with interior designer Raluca Racasan of I love this place, London

Our environment does influence and shape us 24 hours a day. It can make us more creative, motivated, happy as well as stressed. Think grey work cubicles in the office building or constant artificial light. New office interior concepts are improving the workplace environment, yet if people work from home, this remain empty.

With the symbiosis of home and office due to the concept of new work, we literally bring our work home into our cave. We are now business professionals in a private, sometimes distracting environment and vice versa. On a subconscious level, this is definitely having an effect on us, which we cannot avoid as human beings. Think of the cosy wear that had a boom during the pandemic. 

So how can we optimise our home to fit the new work requirements? Are there possibilities to separate work and play when they are located in the same room? And what can I do if my budget is close to zero? Raluca’s holistic approach to interior design combines the client’s / your personal objectives, the architectural framework as well as learnings from environmental psychology. Her process starts with an extensive list of easy open questions, which will make you start thinking about what kind of environment you really want and need for your wellbeing. Surprisingly, there are a lot of things we can change within ten minutes. 

She shares her easy-to-implement ideas on the example on three very realistic cases:

1. Rented home & very tiny budget: How can we improve it, if there a lot of restrictions when it comes to changing things?

2. Office space integrated into the bedroom: Is it possible to work & sleep in the same room without negatively influencing the other part of life? 

3. Blow the budget: When you have a spare room without budget limitations.

4. As a bonus: How to create a recreation zone for the quick break in-between.

We will discuss not only ergonomic chairs, lighting, wall papers and even the surprising importance of your coffee mugs. Enjoy and have fun re-designing your home.⭐️

#035🎙 Diversity/DEIBJ: 🙌🏻Relevance & importance, 📝definition, equality vs. equity, four simple steps for a sustainable strategy & strategy development🚀

Diversity is on top of every management agenda. It’s quite interesting to see how this topic evolved from a pure human resources task – or human resources sourcing task – to a very big strategic pillar of every company. 
In this podcast episode I would like to share with you my learnings and experiences from my project work on the topic of diversity. Feel free to use it with a pick’n’mix approach: Just select the ideas and learnings which might suit your company and apply them. 
We will cover: 
  • What we can learn from Star Wars 
  • Why diversity is relevant & important for your company 
  • Which dimensions are summarised under diversity/DEIBJ 
  • Is there something like „the one golden“ approach for a diversity strategy? 
  • Why it’s recommended from my side  to apply the the approach of equity rather than equality 
  • Four steps to kick-start a diversity strategy in your company, including proposals for quick measures 
  • The use & importance of KPIs 
💡Did you apply something? Just let me know! It would be really great to hear from you, which measure you’ve chosen to implement in your company. Please do drop me a message and let me know how it worked out for you. Also if you have any questions regarding diversity, just get in contact with me. 👉🏻 I’m really looking forward to hearing from you.
Have fun!⭐️ 

#034🎙 Role Models: Proceed until apprehended – find your motto and stick to it. Interview with Natascha McIntyre Hall

Natascha McIntyre Hall has an Executive Role in the Development & Construction industry, and was nominated as one of the Top 5 most influential female clients to work with in 2022. Yes: She made it up the ladder in a very male industry. She also has a Masters in Pure Mathematics. And her current major goal & driver is to redefine profit in the industry, from solely monetary to the true benefit to a community through inclusive design. So you should definitely meet her.
My personal reasons, why she is a role model to me: Her outspokenness, the openness & passion she talks about the topics important to her. Also, our shared acknowledgment that we have to make the best of our time & think it’s important to talk to strangers.

  • As a start, due to current developments, we also talked about the role model function of Queen Elisabeth II. So what did she do? She showed people what was possible. She drove the King of Saudi Arabia around behind the steering wheel, changed the law of succession, had a big heart for her horses as well as dogs. All this by devoting her own life to a role/career that she even did not pick herself. With massive amount of self-discipline.
  • So what is Natascha’s advice to climb the career ladder? What are her notable achievements & further plentiful ideas to make housing more socially profitable? She gives detailed hands-on-learnings, how to approach the needs of people & why a diversity of ideas is vital to make a project inclusive. Big hint: Gen Z is hugely important as well to create the living of the future.

Finally, we discuss, why it is important to be outspoken, and to live your life, because „life is when you have other plans.“.
My favourite quote: „The ability to speak the truth is sometimes a blessing but sometimes a curse.“

#031🎙: Is your brand a friend? The power of verbal communication, (personal) branding and corporate culture. An interview with Mark Schulz, Head of Words at True & Good.
Der Gedanke an eine Marke aktiviert dieselben Gehirnregionen wie der Gedanke an einen realen Menschen. Wie können Marken diese Tatsache nutzen, um Kunden das Gefühl zu geben, dass sie mit einem guten Freund zusammen sind? Begleitet uns auf eine abenteuerliche Reise in die Welt der Sprache.
Mark ist der ideale Gast für dieses Thema. Er war Head of Brand Language & Guardianship bei O2, arbeitete in kreativen Werbeagenturen und hat einen MA in englischer Sprache und Literatur von der Universität Oxford.
Wir diskutieren die Zusammenhänge zwischen verbaler Kommunikation, der Persönlichkeit einer Marke an allen Berührungspunkten und dem Einfluss eines CEOs auf die Unternehmenskultur.
  • Wie kannst du einen authentischen Tonfall für deine Marke entwickeln?
  • Wie die Sprache von z. B. Stellenanzeigen die wahre Kultur hinter dem Marketing-„Glanz“ offenbart. Welche einfachen Techniken können HR-Teams anwenden, um ihre Stellenanzeigen effektiver zu gestalten?
  • Die Bedeutung der Markenkohärenz an jedem Touch Point, sowohl intern als auch nach außen hin.
  • Kann jede Marke durch Spaß und Humor zu einem Freund werden? Oder gibt es vielleicht Grenzen?
  • Ist Apple wieder einmal das Paradebeispiel – oder geht es einfach darum, geschäftliche Silos aufzubrechen?
  • Wie wichtig ist ein zugängliches, leicht verständliches Purpose Statement?
  • Spielt der CEO eine wichtige Rolle? Hinweis: Wie man in Japan sagt: „der Fisch fängt am Kopf an zu stinken“.
Wir wünschen euch viel Spaß mit dieser Episode, die wir im August 2022 aufgenommen wurde.

#030🎙Wie kann man Talente anziehen? Mit einer 4-Tage-Woche. Interview mit Margaret Cox, CEO der ICE Group

New Work ist derzeit weltweit ein sehr aktuelles Thema, auch aufgrund der durch Covid-19 veränderten Arbeitsumgebung. Ich hatte das große Glück, zufällig eine echte Innovatorin und Disruptorin der Arbeitswelt zu treffen: Margaret Cox, CEO der ICE Group mit Sitz in Galway, Irland.

Sie spricht nicht nur über New Work sondern hat einen viel größeren Schritt getan, als Home Office, Obstkörbe und kostenloses Wasser anzubieten: Die Einführung einer 4-Tage-Woche ohne Lohnkürzungen für die Mitarbeiter und eine 100%ige Verfügbarkeit für die Kunden.

Und wie haben sie das geschafft?

  • Der ganze Prozess begann mit einer der drängendsten Fragen, die sich Arbeitgeber heute stellen: Wie kann man als KMU in einem sehr wettbewerbsintensiven Umfeld, in dem große Marken den Lebenslauf glänzender machen, Talente anziehen? Die Lösung: Ein echter Mitarbeitervorteil in Form der 4-Tage-Woche ohne Gehaltskürzung.
  • Was sind die Ergebnisse nach zwei Jahren? Z. B. eine Produktivitätssteigerung von 27 % und eine deutliche Verringerung der Krankheitsfälle, die fast bei Null liegt.

Margaret ist auch eine begeisterte Botschafterin für die 4-Tage-Woche und möchte sie in ganz Europa einführen. Wenn du mehr erfahren möchtest, besuche einfach

Hört hier die ganze inspirierende Geschichte an, einschließlich exklusiver Einblicke, wie die Vision zum Leben erweckt wurde und die detaillierten Prozessschritte.
